

What I already said about billboards applies here as well. But in addition to that, this picture is also a play with words and a graphical comment on this being a photo of a photo as you can clearly see the halftone pattern of the poster.

Seen in Hamburg on February 1, 2010; taken with the M7 and the 35mm lens on Tri-X which was souped in Diafine. It was, BTW, a Tri-X (from the same source as the Neopan 1600 I recently mentioned) which still says "5063 TX" on the film strip - showing how old it is. (The new one says "400 TX" and was introduced in the beginning of the last decade.)

Incidentally, I recently learned that Kodak just discontinued TXP in 120 and 220. It doesn't affect me personally as I only shoot TX in 35mm which still seems to sell well, but I hope it's not a bad sign...

I'll be out of town for a few days, so there probably won't be any new photos for about a week.

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